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Selected Works

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Love and Whirlpool

This series is about the inner world of people... and in particular about love and the merry-go-rounds and whirlpools we experience during life. We all face adversity and challenges from time to time. With my works, I examine the positive reaction patterns and opportunities we all have to turn a challenge into something positive. I put the unconditional love in the center... the love of self, the love of others and not least the love of life.

The series of paintings on canvas is with people as the motifs, but they are not (and should not be) actual portraits. Rather, I see them as an expression of all of us… they could be you or me, or maybe someone we know?


The series ‘I Gotta Be Me’ with colorful women started in 2018 when I had just moved from an area in KL, Malaysia, to start a new chapter of my life in another area ... after divorce.

It started as a tribute to the mature woman who found herself. But before I knew it, this series had evolved into a tribute to all the women who are simply themselves, whether they are young or old, wrinkled or not, grumpy or laughing, considered beautiful or not.

We all have different facets, at different times. Maybe we need girlfriends, someone to talk to… or to be told we're ok, no matter what we look like on the outside. Maybe we need to express desire, anger or other emotions. Sometimes we may want to be different from others, look different, do something new, have different opinions, etc.…

Slowly, this series is evolving into something more symbolic ... it's about individuality. Ultimately, this series is a tribute to joy and hopefully also inspiration to search for a way to live positively, joyfully and freely!

the blues

This series is inspired by the element of water, sky and space. In 2016 and 2017 I was working a lot with the colour blue as a healing colour for peace of mind and body. The colour is linked to calm and serenity, and that was something I was looking for after a couple of turbulent years involving amongst others a divorce after 23 years of marriage.


After finding more peace inside, I wanted more flow in my life and I looked to both the Chinese and Indians for inspiration. I found that the element of water could create that flow which was actually what happened as I created this series!


In this series I question emotions, thoughts and our minds, our conscious and subconscious… and I found that I needed to contemplate upon it to find a deeper truth. If we spend time in contemplation to find the truth of who we really are, what we do and what we want, then that’s when we feel a sustainable flow of life.


Like all my works, this series too is an exploration of life, energy and emotion.

the Spiral of Life

This is the first artworks that I created as a series. Not that it was meant to be a series, it just happened!


After my first big exhibition with these works (New Beginnings with belated former Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Uffe Elleman Jensen as guest of honour) a friend asked me if I knew what I was painting. I had no clue I said, and was told that I was prominently featuring the Fibonacci spiral, or the Golden spiral, in this series. So I went on to studying this and found it extremely inspiring!

Fibonacci is a mathematical formula and it is distinctive because it has Phi, also called the golden ratio, as its growth factor. This means that for each quarter turn the spiral makes, it gets wider or away from the origin by a factor of Phi (1.618). And as everything exists in one harmonious system, the key to realizing and appreciating this unity lies in nature itself in the form of the Golden Spiral.

What I find interesting is that all life is weaved around these cycles and spirals… breathing in and breathing out, birth and death, day and night etc. Maybe that’s why it’s also called the Spiral of Life… where there is a beginning there is also and end, and vice versa.


Every now and then I can’t help it but to create portraits… or likeness of faces as they are never meant to be like ‘ordinary’ portraits but more my feelings of a human being, its emotions, its situation or state of mind.


For me, the faces I paint are about energy and not so much the likeness of the person I paint. Sometimes I don’t even know who I am painting but rather their energy.

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